Sunday, May 16, 2010

With the population creeping towards 9 billion should more countries follow Americas lead on reducing it?

America is taking responsibility here, we have invested 5.2 billion per month for the past 4 yrs in wiping out 650 000 Iraqi civilians. Acknowledging the great cost to our people we found economies by ignoring the AIDS pandemic in Africa this strategy further cut, and will continue to cut, the global population by 10s of millions. And on the domestic front we allow abortions. We support your right to carry guns this effectively wipes out 30 000 American per year. PLUS We have been slow to act on smoking regulations, and the obesity pandemic, this we believe is our greatest achievement as not only have we gained considerable revenues we have drastically reduced the population by millions. There is also another upside to this, we have created numerous jobs within the health industry as 65% of all hospital beds are taken up by people with smoking related deceases.

We invest heavly on munitions with just 5% of the worlds population we spend 50% of the global budget on amunitions.

With the population creeping towards 9 billion should more countries follow Americas lead on reducing it?
Brilliant post. You know if you watch the video The Strecker Memorandum you would discover that a few medical scientists in the United States wrote to one another about the possibility of creating, and actually deploying a "potential" pandemic that could systemically wipe out many, many people back in the late 1970s. Strecker, a Doctor himself, quotes the actual medical journals in which you can find this information. So it is not a "paranoid" creation. Now you may not find those journals on any library shelves anymore I imagine, however with the right digging around you might get lucky. The pandemic they were speaking of is the HIV virus that can eventually lead to full blown AIDS. They also did such a superior job in the creation of this virus which is of course, as we know, a retrovirus, viruses typically found in animals, but in this case it is formed by mixing the bovine virus in cattle and the visna virus in sheep together. God knows how that happened??? Because the virus gets into the actual DNA of the individual infected, their unique little makeup, it of course takes on a life of its own, making the formulation of a "cure" like a vaccine, impossible. So yes, it is a wonderful deployment towards population control and in the beginning a great silencing factor IMO, politically speaking of affluent white gay males in the United States, who participated in Hepatitis B studies in the early 1980s. It is suggested that is how the pandemic was "employed" in the United States. I have no idea however. I lost two first cousins in the first round of the pandemic in New York City...and another first cousin out in California, so when this subject comes around, it is my choice to speak about it, not as an alarmist, but we must be aware of the motives sometimes of others who pledge to have our best interests at heart. Sort of like a cheating lover.

And if you think the Strecker Memorandum is silly how about read The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment which is of course how Black Males in Tuskegee Alabama were told in 1932 that they would receive treatment for their syphilis, but instead, treatment was withheld, and these men passed on syphilis to their wives and their children for over 4 decades, until 1972, which was how long the "experiment" lasted. Racist of course. Population control..absolutely.

Then there was the editor of the London Times, a guy named Pierce Wright who published an article one Sunday in the Science section, due to some interesting information he received from an independent investigator for the World Health Organization ( WHO ) and in that investigation it was revealed that the polio vaccinations for the African people, either by accident or on purpose were "contaminated"....hmmm interesting huh.? Yet true and verifiable because I and many others I know have researched it. And that of course launced AIDS all over Africa. Population control? Absolutely.

Do I think more countries should follow the United States lead? Wow... Oh and to think I thought all human life was sacred. Silly me.

Another book you may wish to consult is called A Higher Form of Killing by Paxman and Harris. This is again another manner, through biological experiments, in which people were systematically targeted, yet they were unaware.

I believe in a person's right to individual freedom and that would include the right to smoke, the right to bear arms if they desire, etc. Yet, everyone is responsible for their choices. Yes, many do pay with their lives, perhaps by smoking and I have known very happy smokers in my life. With terroism on the rise and just plain blatant craziness on the planet generally if someone wants to bear arms, more power to them. It is not my "thing" and never has been, but people should have the right to make choices in a free society, and to live their lives based upon those choices.
Reply:We should all be fixed. It's the only thing that can stop the impulsive fertile human animal.
Reply:lol but as i say it best..." if it dont make sense its gonna happen "
Reply:Dude nobody is going to take you serious until you learn to use the spell checker. The word is diseases not deceases.

And you might want to recheck the facts this sounds an awfully lot like the christian children's fund advertisement (like a Crock).
Reply:Hahaha. Funny post.
Reply:Your question would undoubtedly be more coherent if you stayed off drugs a few hours before writing it.'s a good start
Reply:AWE whatever too much to read...

Survival of the fittest.
Reply:Instead of wiping existing people out, let's respect life. But make a conscious decision not to procreate.

Unfortunately, that could only work in an ideal world. In our world, the majority rules. So, those groups that have lots of kids will eventually outnumber the groups that don't have kids - and they will gain control.

So, selfishly, we should convince our enemies that kids are bad. But we still shouldn't wipe out existing people.

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