Monday, November 16, 2009

Can you eat creeping thyme?


Can you eat creeping thyme?
"Pretty, palate pleasing thyme will draw you into the garden with its peppery fragrance and tidy appearance, and up to the table with its spicy flavor. With so many different kinds of thyme to choose from, you're sure to find more than one that will be particular favorites."

For the plant "Creeping Charlie", what would the best soil type to put it in??

Creeping charlie (Glechoma hederacea), also known as ground ivy and creeping jenny, grows in any soil %26amp; thrives in moist, shady spots such as under trees and shrubs.

It's considered a weed by many.

A different Creeping Charlie Latin name: Pilea nummulariifolia is a good choice for hanging baskets. It has light green leaves on reddish stems..

Pileas grow best in a well drained potting medium rich in organic matter. Many of the commercially formulated or nursery blended peat-like mixes with good aeration characteristics can be used for production of pilea. A low pH should be adjusted to 5.0 to 6.0 with dolomitic limestone. Plants should be fertilized with a liquid or soluble formulation with a 3-1-2 or similar analysis ratio at the rate of 1.7 to 2.3 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet per month. Microelements can be added at the time the potting medium is formulated or during plant production as a liquid supplement.

On my radio creeping me out.....?

i was in my room and like someone talking thrue the radio no im not crazy and one nite i heard some static coeming form it and i could hear someone talkign thrue it........

On my radio creeping me out.....?
a lot of the time wireless devices can be picked up by other electrical devices such as your radio. this is why you are told to never give out personal info like your social security and other important info on wireless devices because they can be picked up by anything even baby monitors. this is one way I.D. thefts get their material to take over your identity. its kinda weird how it works but gives you a great example of how someone could find stuff out about you.
Reply:Your recieving a signal from something else. Im whilling to bet money that it is police radios i have had several times where on certain stations i can hear cops talking to there office on call ins. Really not a way to prevent it either unless you get a better antenna maybe but i cant confirm that.
Reply:You need a good antenna made from copper or aluminum alloy because that will conduct other frequencies on the same channel as your radio so they don't come through...........
Reply:ALIENS!!! Just kidding just something technical. It could be just a radio station or maybe its picking up a police signal
Reply:cell phone


What is a creeping crud?

this salesmoron just said that someone gave it to him...

What is a creeping crud?
Crud is a country name for sh!t, so if it is creeping it sounds like it is on the move a bit like the squits. A few salespersons have given me the sh!ts in my time.
Reply:Don't know
Reply:Freaked him out!
Reply:A very serious case of ringworm
Reply:A crud that
Reply:Its like kiwi butter with a whale in the middle but a little different as a bear in Bikini Islands, near Boston's icebergs.

Reply:I think the salesperson meant they were freaked out,

But I guess that we all have different words for different things.

Thank you :)
Reply:A cold, or the flu.
Reply:h ah ah ah aaaaaaaaaaa

i dont know but the word curd just makes me giggle

I have a creeping plant - it is similar to virginia creeper but the leaves look more like a mpale leaf? ideas

It has twisting vine parts and 'suckers' that leave circles on the surface it has been on. The leaves parts are joined like a maple leaf. The leaves are just coming out now and are green and red tinged. In the autumn they turn very oarange red and a quite large in size appx the size of your outstretched hand.

I would love toknow what it is, because it is so nice and when and if I move home would like to have another.

I have a creeping plant - it is similar to virginia creeper but the leaves look more like a mpale leaf? ideas
I think that your plant is a sub-species of virginia creeper called Parthenocissus quinquefolia (five-leaved ivy). Have a look on Google for that name.
Reply:I have the parth. henryana which is very pretty, too.
Reply:He's so cool

He's nobody's fool

He's knows just how thing would be
Reply:Are you sure it is`nt japanese knotweed? If it is ,do try and kill it and make sure you dont take it to your new home.Awfull stuff to get rid of.

Getting rid of "Creeping Johnny" in lawn???

I've tried numerous weed killers from the very expensive to the natural remedies. This weed just keeps cropping up all over my yard and has started to make its way into my flower beds. I generally find myself pulling up on the tubers that grow within the grass, but they break and it is hard to pull up the whole plant. A gardner once told me that it actually starts growing in February and this is in Ohio. Anyone know of a good method to stop this pesky weed. Many thanks in advance.

Getting rid of "Creeping Johnny" in lawn???
I've heard of Creeping Jenny, but not Creeping Johnny. Not meaning to be sarcastic---I am just not familiar with the "Johnny" weed.

Does this weed get yellow flowers in the summer? Creeping Jenny will take over anything where the roots can grow. While we lived in North Carolina, the only thing that grew faster and more pervasive than the Kudzu was the creeping jenny. There truly is not real way of ridding yourself of the jenny without tilling up the areas where the patches are growing and reseeding with grass. However, BE VERY METICULOUS about removing all of the root material when you sift through the newly tilled dirt; otherwise, she will come right back.

Hops, Creeping Jenny, Winter creeper (this may be the Johnny variety you have) are extremely invasive and will only be "squashed" of all of the roots are removed from the area you're cleaning out.

Good luck.
Reply:is creeping johnny that kid on yahoo answers a month ago who asked about ninjas? i told him not to go creeping around in footy pajamas and a ski mask. spray him with the hose. that should get him to leave

Do you enjoy creeping through all the gardens in YOUR street?

no but i used to go garden jumping which is basically horse racing exept with humans in peoples gardens.and instead of fences it usually involves holly and rose bushes.serious pain follows

Do you enjoy creeping through all the gardens in YOUR street?
Yes, and I also enjoy peeking in all of my neighbors windows just to freak them out.
Reply:No but you do, I saw you last night!!! Don't pretend it wasn't you !! I saw you with me own binoculars, that flowery dress and the moustache didn't fool me at all !!
Reply:Only when I have dropped my mobile phone!!
Reply:yes, but the neighbours object


What is The creeping (creepin') crud?, is this slang for a cold infection?


What is The creeping (creepin') crud?, is this slang for a cold infection?
My mom always used that term to refer to any skin problem at all - dry, flaky skin, eczema, dandruff, poison ivy, you name it.

When depression starts creeping back again?

what's your first aid treatment?

When depression starts creeping back again?
Don't know if it would work for you, but physical activity - like shooting hoops or playing a game of one-on-one - always worked for me.
Reply:Yep, "cardio-boxing" ought to do it. Thanks for the "Best Answer"! Report It

Reply:Find something to do to distract you. Find something to do that brings you joy.
Reply:why! are you depressed! you gotta explain your problom chick! I never get depressed cuz im always perky!
Reply:A hug from me followed by follow up kisses and understanding....
Reply:DO SOMETHING FUN, silly, even childish - like jumping in the pool with your clothes on, or running through a fountain.

talk to a friend.

Start a project you have been meaning to start.

Try to express the depression, and its cause in artwork.
Reply:Just get in your ride and strike a trot, turn whatever tunes you like the best on and hit the volume and the accelerator. Stop at the first place that tickles your fancy! lol A Great Day
Reply:you need to go back to who ever was treating you and see about a change in meds or a dosage change. sometimes relapses just happen, and can be easily dealt with if dealt with quickly.
Reply:when i start thinking about the member of my platoon getting

killed his name was tom be we called him tommy ,then one of my two dogs pushes his nose under my hand and wants to play.
Reply:Talk to someone about whats bothering you. It helps to know that your not the only one feeling that way. Depression is a serious illness so if it gets worse seek treatment.
Reply:You must install the dominant paradigm back into your mind.
Reply:I jump on the sky train and head for the ocean to meditate
Reply:Fortunatley depression is a very serious psychological diagnosis.

Doing the hobbies you want to do help you feel better.

Unfortunalty for me I have Bipolat Disorder and will always feel depressed and suicidal...but there is hope since Bipolar Disorder can be slowed down and "softened"...

Painting and careating minitures for me is the best option as this keeps me busy for hours and gives me a sense of satisfaction at the end. After the final "end" I look at my little armies of Mordor and Rohan and say to myslef I'm worth something and I exist because I'm me!

This does work, although it does seem pathetic at the beginning when you think about it. But gradually you will get used to the idea. People in other countries have been or worse off than you (and many people domestically too) - it shouldn't make us feel better to know this but it does - it gives a sense of hope and freedom...But you should be thankful that you are not in their position...

Try to make yourself happy by doing the things YOU and only YOU want to do.

Play your favourite sport or become artistic...DO something that will make YOU happy...GO to a movie...GO out and socialise...GO get motivation and stop wasteing the life you got (which is better than others, e.g two thirds of the world live in poverty you belong to one third that doesn't). So get out there and DO whatever YOU want to do and FEEL HAPPY, and INSPIRE YOURSELF.

Having to deal with Bipolar Disorder is easy once you get your act together and feel good about yourself...If you have use me as inspiration as I can deal with my life and there are doves that are waiting to be released for you once you beat this feeling of aboulia...

THROW yourself to the world (metaphorically) and do whatever you want to do...

Is that love creeping up on you?

...or did you just buy cheap underwear that's riding up again?

Is that love creeping up on you?
i don't wear underwear so it must be love
Reply:Thnaks for that, whenever i fall in love i'll relate it to crotch rash
Reply:Oh I never buy cheap panties so it must be love...*run*
Reply:Not sure, How do you tell the difference??
Reply:It sure is creepy, and what a pain in the butt!!

What eats the creeping fig plant?

Goats. They'll eat anything.

What eats the creeping fig plant?
Probably the locust. Nasty critters. They are kind of like grasshoppers with an eating obsession.


My weight is creeping up!!! slowly but surely?

nothing in my diet or fitness routine has changed...

last year at this time i was 57 kg... now i am 65kg... i have put on 8kg in the last year... i am active (i train tkd at least 2 x a week... for about 2 hours each time) and i eat proper foods... what is going on?

My weight is creeping up!!! slowly but surely?
depends on your age.

twice a week is not enough to lose weight - you have to do cardio 4- 6 times a week for average of 45min to see results and never go over 60min.

also how often are you eating? you have to eat 5-6 small meals a day, make healthy food choices and cut out all the junk, sodas, sweets etc. eat plenty of fruit and veggies, protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. definitely have breakfast as the biggest meal of the day and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Reply:JO JO You might want to try changing your workout from 2x a week to 3x a week for 1 hour at a faster paste and cut out carb after 5 or 6 pm. HOPE THIS HELP JOJO
Reply:I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay 5.49$ shipping and handling. A must!
Reply:You metabolism changes as you age. It's normal. In order to keep up with the changes and maintain your weight you need to increase your level of activity.
Reply:Depending on you age or health it might be your turning fat into mussel. it happens to all who work out allot . it is better to have lean mussel so as you age it might not show . but watch out in your 40Ty's because if you don't keep fit well it goes south .
Reply:many things could be a factor, medications can change your weight like that, birth control or hormone pills, anti-depressants and steroids for asthma are often at fault for weight gain. If you are not taking any of these check with your doctor and have him check things like your thyroid, you hormone levels and blood sugars if one or more of these are off this can also cause problems. Best of luck.

Bra problems - keeps creeping up in back?

Does this mean that my bra is too big?? I was wearing a 40D but think I may be a 38D now? Please help!

Bra problems - keeps creeping up in back?
I think maybe your straps are too short. Loosen them a little and see if that helps. You may need to be fitted for a bra or buy higher end bras that just fit better.
Reply:I agree with riley you should get it professionally measured!!
Reply:It is probably too big. You should go to a department store or a Victoria's Secret and ask them to measure you. Many women don't realize that they don't wear the correct size bra. Getting measured by a professional is the best way to go.
Reply:It's either too big or too small.

If you can, try to go to a professional bra salon to be fitted by someone who knows what to look for.

I went, and found out that I wasn't a 36B, but a 34DD! =O

It's definately worth it to go get fitted professionally - your bra will fit, and you won't have as much sagging in the future.
Reply:you have the wrong size

What is teepee creeping?

It's when you "creep" up on a teepee to scare the native americans inside!

What is teepee creeping?
It is the equivilant of Suburban Sprawl, but on Reservations.
Reply:Its another word for bed hopping. ( being a slut)
Reply:It's what the Native Americans did before we introduced pub crawling to them...

Is it creeping you out.........?

that Mr NR is talking in 3rd person?

Is it creeping you out.........?
no, Redd Headd would never get creeped out
Reply:Nope,Michelle doesn't mind at all.
Reply:no, i do it sometimes. strangely its normal for people to do it.
Reply:No, I do it sometimes myself ;]
Reply:It wouldn't creep me out if you were knawing on a human thigh bone.
Reply:nope. i do it all the time with my girlfriend. that pisses her off!
Reply:Nope it's just a little odd
Reply:No doesn't bother me at all.
Reply:Why do you ask? and not really
Reply:no not really. im used to it after learning french.
Reply:Nope, whatever floats your boat.
Reply:Not really.



How do I stop my 6 month old from creeping to the top of crib during the night?


My daughter hates sleeping on her back and usually flips over to her tummy within 20 of putting her down. During the night she creeps herself to the top of the crib and starts to fuss and squirm. I move her back down put the pacifier in and within another 2 hrs she's back to where she was. Has anyone else experienced this? What can I do to help her sleep better. She only sleeps for 5 hrs and then she's up again for her next bottle. She's has never slept through the night. I thought that putting her on her back would be better but she wont stay that way. Any advice is appreciated

How do I stop my 6 month old from creeping to the top of crib during the night?
Yes, my son is like this. At 6 months though, you may want to ask yourself if she is having a bottle because she's hungry or has she gotten into a habit of taking it after 5 hours? The wedges don't work for me, my son just rolls over them. I know it's not for everybody but I put a small toy snake in with him that he likes to "spoon" (it's not made out of fluffy material). And he loves to sleep on his tummy. After a month of rolling him back over, I gave up the fight. Good luck!
Reply:Once she can go back and forth easily, it's fine if she flips herself onto her tummy. Just don't give her a pillow or comforter - just a thin blanket.
Reply:my baby does this,just try and put them as far to the bottom as possible and on her front anyway (my son preferes tummy),and hopefully it wont happen so son also sleeps through now after i took water to bed in a bottle to tell him "bar is shut"....they need to learn there is nothing to wake up for by doing this,so try it and let me know ok?..x
Reply:Have you ever tryed putting her in one of the wedge thing that you use to keep them from rolling over when they are really small not sure of name the thing to help prevent SIDS it may work just a suggestion
Reply:i had the same issue and there is nothing you can do.. i got out the thing you put around them so they cant roll and she would just put her leg on top of it. she still squirmed out and up to the top again...

all i did was place her at the foot of the crib almost that way she has longer to go to reach the top.

she don't wake up at night anymore since i have started feeding her baby food... i guess she gets enough in the day time that she is not hungry at night.. she will go to sleep around 9 till 7.. no matter what she is up at 7.
Reply:get rid of the pacifier, seriously. she may just be hungry..

This is creeping me out! please help!?

i absolutly hate this boy in my ninth grade class. but he is sometimes sweet and gentle. but he is always trying to act cool with his other friends! then last night i had a dream that he told me how much he liked me and how wonderful i am. then he pulled me into a long passionate kiss. now i like him, but i am worried that my dream will come true! sometimes my dreams do come true. should i tell the boy that i like him?

This is creeping me out! please help!?
if you like him but your embarassed then you dont like him enough to want to go out with him.think bout whether you want to go out with him and if hes given you any clues that he likes you then tell him that you like him.dont tell him bout the dream though cos that will freak him out
Reply:it seems to me that deeply in you , you do like him, but your embarrased and you dont know what to do. Thats ok, think about it and youll be fine if you give your self some time, and realize that you do like him, tell him, go for it, but if you dont then nobody gets hurt.
Reply:You could write him a note if you are shy! Do not tell him about the dream he will just run off. He'll think it is creepy which it is. But if you yhink he likes you there is no harm in telling him how you feel!
Reply:only if the situation comes up otherwise i would not tell him...careful what u wish for...anyway boys that age really dont know what they want it all experimental...and yes they show off for their friends.....if u hate him why worry blow it off

I'm creeping towards a level 4 habit, should I seek counselling?

Join the club! I think we're all heading that way! ;-)

I'm creeping towards a level 4 habit, should I seek counselling?
i think you should just seek other pastimes before its too late!!
Reply:LOL Great question...I think we all ask ourselves that and wonder just how we can spend so much of our time answering other people questions lol KEEP ON GOING!!!
Reply:If you are at the point where you forgo sleep, food, and hygiene, maybe you should seek counselling. All the best. =)
Reply:for sure, now wheres my food im hungry
Reply:Yes, i think we all need help!! We should open a priory clinic just for Yahoo answers addicts. But where to find a big enough building? Oh no, I'm asking another question!! HELP ME!!
Reply:yes. tell me if it works...
Reply:Why creep?
Reply:We are the wrong people to ask.
Reply:I think you should seek cownselling. And I like your tongue.
Reply:"Ma!!!! Come Quick!! The cow's sick!!"
Reply:at the rate u are asking Questions, I doubt it.
Reply:Im creeping toward #5. Im worse off than you! I dont have a T.V. so this place is a common hang out for me alot of the time.
Reply:you are beyond repair!
Reply:Answering this question I will get to level TWO hooray!! (how sick can I get??)
Reply:Yeah, be my student.
Reply:I think it's the herding instinct. I've noticed several cows on level four and above.
Reply:yes...but give me some points before you go....I need a points fix !!!

This is creeping me out....?

I dont really like cartoons anymore , i dont think kiddy jokes sre funny and i dont like game websites anymore sites like, i just wanna watch Mtv,vh1,comedy central and "movies" ........O yea.....I'm only 11.....

And I'm sick of my friends telling me that you'll miss beinga kid when you're an me....Is this usual ?

This is creeping me out....?
No it's not unusual but they are right. Enjoy your youth and don't be in a hurry to grow up, it will happen sooner than your think. Getting old ain't all it's cracked up to be.
Reply:Welcome to growing up. From now on, over and over, you will feel ahead of - or behind - your friends, and you will wonder what is going on. Trust me, you are normal. Everyone feels out of their own time sometimes. Now get back in there and catch some MTV!
Reply:your interests are surpassing those of your age do not worry this is a sign of true intelligence!
Reply:You are going through a phase...ask your parents what that is!
Reply:sure, some people are becoming a little more mature than other people.Its not weird, its just your nature
Reply:No, your just maturing.
Reply:You're just maturing faster, are you a girl? Some girls (like "lucky" me) hit puberty as early as 10 and then begin maturing in their minds faster than their friends. If you are a boy, you're getting an earlier start and it may take your friends 2-4 years to catch up with you. It's perfectly normal.


With Islams creeping paralysis of the modern and Western?

world, everywhere, in all free countries in Europe and across the world over, allowed by all countires they've been allowed to settle and daily enforce their religous dictates without let or hinderence by free societies, why do we not bomb, destroy Mecca, Madina and bring their islamic criminals to justice and thus preserve, protect and ensure freedom, democracy and all the virtues our fathers fought for during 2 WW's. Why are these animals allowed to run wild over every country they enter and demand we revert to their evil and hated doctrines - why? And the Blaires and Bushes of this world stand idly by why the UK and the USA and countless other countries are prevented from and by policies within - to take issue and thow the scum out - back to their evil lands - and execute - hang draw and quarter their eveil clerics. A once proud and respected religion - now awash in hate, murder, assasination, torture, slavery, U name it - they do it!

Islams Clerics - the worlds greates adversary

With Islams creeping paralysis of the modern and Western?'ve said it all ! Don't disagree except that I think your penalties are a bit harsh . I would go along with kicking them out if they refused to coexist with western societies...what would you do with Muslims born in the west though ?
Reply:It says in the Koran ,,," kill the infidel "" .

maybe we should turn that around
Reply:So, you want to bomb Mecca and Medina to "bring their Islamic criminals to justice" or is it that you want to get rid of Islam entirely, you lying bastard?

You are a victim of these times of overwhelming, sinful capitalism and the pursuit of human pleasures, and have forgotten the purpose of your life...too bad!

You are as blind as a bat...!
Reply:Hey, did you just recycle some old Cold War propaganda and insert Muslim for Communism and Mecca for Moscow?

Stupid ***
Reply:You are a pure idiot. Islam is like any other religion. There are those within the religion that are extremists, as you are, who should be washed away. With your hateful ranting you are no better then the haters within islam who murder for their beliefs.
Reply:As with many religions their are fanatics with their strict interpretatons of what they belive. One must remember that even Chritians have done unmetionable evils in the name of Religion. So who are we to judge we all fall short of the Glory of God.
Reply:You might be a warmonger. In fact I am sure you are mongering war. To what end and how do you justify your actions? Stop lying, make peace and deal with your demons. How does it feel to be a demonic spirit?

Who is the real aggressor, the thief and bearer of false witness? No true Israelite or Islamic would do this. Who really needs bombing? Perhaps the accuser (satan) needs some grief to give him a little perspective. The problem is that the satans are all mixed up with those who don't understand what the satans are doing to disrupt and control everyones life. So its the innocent and the evil all mixed up together. So we wait til the end of days to make sure that the weeds and the wheat are separated from each other before the burning begins in earnest.
Reply:Why do you hate Islam. Why dont you go read the quran and leanr what you are taling about before stereotyping all those people.

I agree wtih you on fighting terroism but you DONT UNDERSTAND.


Do you know what youre talking about?
Reply:We need to round them up and put them in concentration camps where they can do no evil...maybe we can get aushwitz functional again, and send those devils there

We need to deal with these animals by bombing them, thats the only thing they understand.
Reply:Oh boy another live wire.
Reply:Bomb Mecca and Medina? Wasn't Dresden good enough for you, in that World War you so proudly speak of?
Reply:They are misguided, they have no chance against Christianity at all, they think God guides them when none of their countries are above third world with civil wars and village bombings. They wont win, they cant win, ill gladly join another crusade as my ancestors have

What is creeping socialism?

A common term used for the steady growth of socialist beliefs in society.

Here is an excerpt from an article that may help you understand:

The evidence of creeping socialism is all around us. "The Constitution does not provide for group rights," says Vazsonyi. "Yet, a steadily growing number of groups is being granted an increasing number of rights. Defense, for which the Constitution does provide, has been surrounded by an atmosphere of derision and hostility; the effectiveness of our armed forces is being diminished through inappro-priate use." The executive and judicial branches of our federal government have usurped legislative power. Laws defining so-called "hate crimes" have narrowed the boundaries of free speech. Environmental regula-tions have circumscribed private property rights.

What is creeping socialism?
Socialism is a social and economic system (or the political philosophy advocating such a system) in which the economic means of production are owned and controlled collectively by the people. This control may be either direct, exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils, or it may be indirect, exercised through a State. Creeping socialism is the slow introduction of such a system and is usually used as a derogatory term by opponents. It is also widely known as Fabian socialism.
Reply:Socialism that just can't seem to get here fast enough!
Reply:It's socialism that skulks real close to the ground, quietly.

He's creeping me out!?

Theres this guy at school who won't leave me alone!

For ONE DAY me and my friend were trying to be nice to him but then he got really creepy and weird.

My best guy friend always hits our buts for fun (friendly way, you know) so this creeper guy decided "Oh, they were being nice to me so im they're friend now!" and he started slapping our butts too!!!!!! Its not creepy when my friend does it because ive known him for so long, but when this guy did it was INCREDIBLY uncomfortable!

At school, he'll deliberately spill water on the front of his pants and say "Hey ellen does it look like i peed myself!?" i find it totally disgusting!

He somehow got my email and wont stop sending me messages on msn or emails or facebook (for some reason my computer won't let me block him! HAII!) Even at school when i try to talk to my friends he barges into the conversation or talks to me really enthusiastically even though i dont act interested or try to ignore him. Ive TOLD him im not interested and he

He's creeping me out!?
Wow, it does appear that you have created a monster. But before you are tempted to be rude to him, or something else to drive him away....maybe try to talk to him. Really tell him that the butt slapping makes you uncomfortable. You can explain that your other friend does it because you have known him for so long. The other stuff you might have to learn to tolerate. I don't think after being nice to him you can just turn on him. That isn't cool at all. You might find that he really needs a friend. I know it sounds corney, but it could very well be true. He sounds a bit immature. That does not mean that he wouldn't make a good friend with a little molding.

Not sure where everyone else lives, but in the real world you can't get a restraining order for someone that is annoying you. You have to be in fear that this person will hurt or possibly kill you. This guy hasn't done anything to indicate that he will, he is annoying but that isn't a crime.
Reply:Please ask your parents to help you change the e-mail address...ask your best guy friend to talk to the creepy guy...and just do your best to avoid the creep. Oh, and mention to your parents that creep hit you.
Reply:tell some teacher or something. tell the teacher that he is harrasing you and wont leave you alone and is stalking you even on the internet. thats the only way. or just tell him "IM NOT INTERESTED! LEAVE ME ALONE! I DONT LIKE YOU!" and even if you dont, say that you have a boyfriend and make up a name and say that he goes to your school but dont tell him who it is. and also, dont say he goes to another school cuz then he will say that he wont know that you are "flirting" with other guys. gosh, that guy is a FREAK
Reply:If he does'nt leave you alone and it serious creeps you out..You need to report him to the authorities and have a restraining order against him.

Good luck!
Reply:Tell an adult, this guy is acting like a stocker.

Tell him that you seirously are not into him and that he should stop now, and that he is making you feel uncomfortable...

If he doesnt stop get a group of your friend to confront him
Reply:That is harassment. You can report it to the school administration. You stated it was unwanted and he did not comply.
Reply:give him an indian burn
Reply:omg my friend had the same prob!!!!! that guy is a creeper!!!!!

lol....u no techneclly him slapping ur but is sexual abuse....GO 2 THE POLICE QUICK lol!!!!
Reply:You have to be direct with him because some people just can't take a hint. Tell him to chill out because it's really making you feel uncomfortable.
Reply:first of all thats should be a written report. 2nd, get a restraining order
Reply:humiliate him in public by yelling at him to leave you alone and tell him why you want him to leave you alone. public humiliation is always a good bet. tell him how totally disgusting you think he is, make him feel two feet tall, and maybe if you're lucky, he'll either kill himself or at least move to another school. then you won't have to worry about being creeped out anymore.
Reply:omgoodness...that sounds TERRIBLE

tell him again, VERY seriously

If he doesnt listen report him to a higher authority (teacher, school police officer)

This is called "harassment".

Take it seriously couse hes not going to stop unless you do something. He's like the Energizer bunny!
Reply:sorry, but you have to swear at him, just tell him to f*** off. thats what id do. im sure he'll get the idea...
Reply:omg. Thats really creepy! Tell ur friends, a sibling, or ur parents/teacher/adult...even if u don't want 2 or are afraid ur being a "tattle-tail". u should tell someone cuz thats reallllly creepy. Or if you REALLY don't wanna do that, then you could very nicely confront him about it and tell him to stop. Good luck... he sounds creeeeepy!!!
Reply:ignore him... when he hits ur butt explain to him that its uncomfortable.. he SHOULD understand.. if it doesnt stop explain to the teacher that u dont wanna b near this guy so u wont hav 2 worry about him during class.. but u have to let him kno u n the other guy have been close friends 4 a while.. n ur comfortable with the other guy not him
Reply:if he doesn't stop then you will have to tell a teacher and hide from him away from the door where he cant see you.If he hits your butt then that's sexual harassment and you can get him in trouble from that if you want him gone that would leave a suspension since you have already told him to stop

it sounds like he is a real creep....take action before anymore drama occurs.
Reply:One of two things will work. You can have your other guy friend to give him a warning to stay away or you can have a one night stand with him. They say once guys get what they want, they'll leave you alone forever. I think the first option is better.
Reply:Apparently this dude likes you.But...%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; he is a dumb f*ck and wont understand body language.So what you do is start making him dislike you.Start calling him names and making him feel uncomfortable.If he is THAT stupid that wont understand even that i suggest that you talk to one of your male friends to take care of him.

GooD LucK`~~
Reply:yell at him meanly

Meaning of creeping?

Creep, creeps, creeping, crept:

1. Moving slowly, quietly, unnoticed. Eg: I heard my landlady creeping stealthily up to my door.


1. Plant = Creeping plants are plants that grows and spreads along the ground. Eg: ..this little creeping shrub..

2. Process = A creeping process is the one that happens very gradually, especially one you do not approve. Eg: ...creeping natiolisation.

Meaning of creeping?
creeping - a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body; "a crawl was all that the injured man could manage"; "the traffic moved at a creep"
Reply:1) Sneaking up on someone or something.

2) World of Warcraft terminology defining the action of killing creeps.
Reply:creeping = sneaking, moving quietly to avoid detection, slow movement

Wisdom Teeth

Are you creeping back to life?

, your nervous system all awry?

Are you creeping back to life?
Yes - I'm wearing the inside out. However, I took a heavenly ride through our silence. I knew the moment had arrived for killing the past, and coming back to life.
Reply:yes and i also like pink floyd so good question
Reply:From morning to night I stayed out of sight

Didn't recognize I'd become

No more than alive I'd barely survive

In a word...overrun

Won't hear a sound

From my mouth

I've spent too long

On the inside out

My skin is cold

To the human touch

This bleeding heart's

Not beating much

I murmured a vow of silence and now

I don't even hear when I think aloud

Extinguished by light I turn on the night

Wear its darkness with an empty smile

I'm creeping back to life

My nervous system all awry

I'm wearing the inside out

Look at him now

He's paler somehow

But he's coming round

He's starting to choke

It's been so long since he spoke

Well he can have the words right from my mouth

And with these words I can see

Clear through the clouds that covered me

Just give it time then speak my name

Now we can hear ourselves again

I'm holding out

For the day

When all the clouds

Have blown away

I'm with you now

Can speak your name

Now we can hear

Ourselves again
Reply:Quotes from a brilliant album. You clearly have exceptional taste in music.

What is "creeping" in terms of marcoeconomics?

The overall econmony "creeps" as well as interest rates, inflation, etc. It is a slow movement in the short term and a fast movement in the long term.

What is "creeping" in terms of marcoeconomics?
Creeping describes a "mild" movement upward. My weight increased very slowly in a creeping fashion. Each year it was only a small amount, but whoa, look at me now! I'm huge! Do you get the point? Creeping can still cause harm in the long run. It is most often used in economics to describe inflation. In contrast to creeping inflation, we have galloping inflation, etc.

Who's creeping in the back door?

not me. should i go check for u hun

Who's creeping in the back door?
probably the darn cat...
Reply:Thats me....did you mind?
Reply:My cat Katy. thats where the cat door is.
Reply:AHHHHHHHH ITS JASON!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE UR SELFS!!!!!!!!!!! RUUUUUUU....................
Reply:My house has a back door...oh sh*t...where is it...
Reply:Here be dragons.
Reply:I still want to give your ears a slight tug.
Reply:It is just me. So your still up.
Reply:There better not be anybody trying to sneak up into my back door!
Reply:Yipes, it's Paris Hilton, she has escaped, call the police!!!!
Reply:The first thing that comes to mind is the song 'Sundown' ~Gordon Lightfoot
Reply:Call the cops!!! weren't supposed to see that
Reply:booooo;... oh did i scare you...?
Reply:it ain't me babe... no no no.... it ain't me babe!

I'd waltz in.
Reply:Some little not scary animals. I only saw a tiger, a panther, a few spiders and a dolphin. Oh, yeah…and a bear. But he’s in the kitchen now.

Reply:boogie man.....
Reply:my dang kid sneak lol
Reply:Disciple and he's carrying his Super Soaker!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Help!!! Someone, please!!! Help!!!!! LOL!!
Reply:Oh that's just me doll. That back door squeaks and needs to be screwed in properly. If you can think of anything else that needs to be screwed in let me know. Lmao.
Reply:MY NEIGHBOR........................SHHHHHHH... HUBBY DOSENT KNOW
Reply:Gypsum the cat!
Reply:you never know
Reply:me your back door man
Reply:this crazy chick Ra Ra!
Reply:the wicked witch of the west, grrr i knew i should of locked that door.
Reply:A big pink spider!

Reply:me if you'll let me
Reply:shouldn't you know already

Help... Stalker! Creeping me out!?

There's this guy who really really likes me and I mean we're just friends...

So yesterday we had a fight on aim... and it was seriously stupid and he was being immature...

so anyway. he found my number and kept calling over and over again i'd say about 20 times, non stop. and if my mom hadn't answered he would have continued. At school he follows me around... and ALWAYS asks me to hang out.

Frankly... Hes obsessed and i'm scared. he has a mean temper and I'm afraid he may start something drastic... or even hit me...

and theres NO WAY he would have known my phone number I'm a smith, you do the math.

Please help me!

Help... Stalker! Creeping me out!?
You told him you just wanted to be friends? Try to make it clear that you don't feel that way and if he continues (or takes it beyond such as calling you continuously again and HITS you) then you should tell your parents, a counselor, or the police. No one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable. Don't spread rumors or embarrass him in front of people and try not to get your friends involved, those things always take a turn for the worst. Hope this helps!
Reply:Report him at school to the counselor, or principal and ask for help. Report him to the police even. Your mom should help you.

Stop it NOW
Reply:report him...
Reply:Talk to your principal. And steer clear of this freak.


Usa questions creeping in?

I am on yahoo uk and ireland Answers and have it set at uk and ireland questions only yet seem to be noticing usa question from people in the states either they haven't realised they are on the same site or yahoo is going wonky .oh and if you are in the usa you can see this question as you have settings at read all english questions it on the main answer page half down on left if anyone wants to change it.

Anyone noticing this or is it just me?

Usa questions creeping in?
I notice it too. Its weird because i'm from the USA and people from the UK and Canada ask me things and my settigns ar eto USA only.
Reply:i thought we were a wee sub state of the usa anyway!
Reply:I hadn't realised Americans were creeping in but you are right. Maybe they think THEY are part of the UK or they think that UK stands for USA Kingdom.

I think you should head an investigation as to why it is happening.
Reply:Typical yanks, poking their noses into affairs of other countries.
Reply:I live in the good old USA %26amp; I think your questions are sneaking in on our sites!!!! I have been on here since Nov and it has always been this way and my settings are correct!! There have been some questions in some language that we really can not read. Oh well this is yahoo and yahoo does have a few problems!!!!
Reply:Maybe its your computer/yahoo answers telling you on a level you should be a citizen of the greatest country in the world USA USA USA ;)
Reply:It happens a lot. I've been doing Answers for 10 months now and I have noticed this a lot. I guess the Americans just think people in Good Old Blighty and the Emerald Isle give good answers.
Reply:This happens here on the other side of the pond as well. I see lots of obviously non-U.S. questions in the U.S. section, some of which aren't even in English.

I think sometimes it's a little of both -- this site has gone crazy at times, with things popping up where they shouldn't, as well as people not understanding the interface.

Oh, and don't worry, I'm set on all English questions right now, your answer hasn't crept in anywhere else.
Reply:That's funny, I think UK questions are creeping voertothe US site.
Reply:dont use such big words they are americans remember
Reply:i am in the US and have also purposely set my setting to UK/Ireland only. this is the only chance for culture i can get, so please don't be mad that i am here!

i also assume most here are from the UK, and therefore i do avoid questions which obviously will not pertain to me.

I am creeping up behind you what is your reaction?

You are creeping on me??? I'll give ya the DBZ movies for ya fav!!! DBZ RULESSSS!!!

I am creeping up behind you what is your reaction?
*smacks in head*
Reply:I don't care as long as you're on the REBEL SIDE!

Reply:I belch fart and scratch my buttt and fall back to sleep!
Reply:i'm a new yorker..we have eyes in back of our heads..i saw you all along.
Reply:*starts running
Reply:I electrocute you with my magic death ray.
Reply:uhh who da hell r u
Reply:Crack (as in over the head w/ a baseball bat).
Reply:omg im so scared
Reply:what's gonna be YOUR reaction when I point my gun right at your nose?

Lets see whos fastest...
Reply:Pull out the pepper spray!
Reply:I heard you
Reply:you gonna get knocked the **** out and then i wanna know how you got in my house!!!
Reply:I'm gonna elbow you in the gut! lol
Reply:I know you are there and ignore you when you try to tickle me, because I am immune to tickles unless my best friend tries. (That's what we do in the morning at high school when we're bored.)

If you're someone I don't know, I ask who you are and don't trust you very much at all, I'm afraid. Bad things happen to those of us who are too trusting.
Reply:ask you if you've brought any ice cream with you.

i'm having a serious craving
Reply:Who the F--- is this ? Ohhhh he's getting into my space...then i turn around and go " Umm...excuse me...can you seriously move away "
Reply:I hope you can breathe after I kick you in the nuts!
Reply:turn around and slap the dog snot out of you for scaring me
Reply:Startled at first! The relief!
Reply:Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?

imax theater

Name of creeping lawn grass similar to fescue?

bermuda grass might be what you are thinking of.

it is an awful weed, very invasive. it is not actually a grass at all, but a tropical vine.

it dies back in winter, and is generally either overseeded with rye, or painted green (really)

Name of creeping lawn grass similar to fescue?
This can't be the right answer because bermuda grass is NOTHING like fescue. The asker said, "similar to fescue". It's creeping red fescue. Report It

Reply:creeping red fescue, but that, like all other fescues, does not like growing in real hot weather. For warmer climates, St. Augustine or centipede will work better if you want a broader blade.
Reply:Saint Augustine (Broader Leaf)? Does well in full sun and partial shade.

Bermuda (Finer leaf)? Does best in full sun.
Reply:Creeping fescue
Reply:It could be bermuda grass... but bermuda grass doesn't look very healthy in the wintertime. Fescue, on the other hand, looks pretty much the same yearround if it's getting adequate water.

Who sings creeping in your soul?

the song featured on the bionicle advert, can anyone tells me who sings it, thanks

Who sings creeping in your soul?
Creeping In My Soul" by Christina Lorentzen,
Reply:Just a guess.....

I read somewhere that it was called Going Down Under but also known as Creeping in My soul ( not "your"). And it was sang by Christina Lorentzen!!

But I'm not that sure!

Ads are creeping over my answers page. Will there be room left for us soon?

I know what you mean.

I remeber it when i first joined we had the whole white part of teh page. now we have a tiny space.

it is the ads. soon if yahoo gets money they wont need as many ads.

Ads are creeping over my answers page. Will there be room left for us soon?
I don't have any ads on my Yahoo! Answers page... If it's pop-ups u mean, a good pop-up blocker (easiest way of getting one is it comes bundled along with Google, Yahoo or Live toolbars). Better still, switch to Firefox, and dump Internet Explorer! Firefox is not just safer, its quicker and gives more privacy.


Reply:there are not so many ads, is your computer infected by some hijackers or trojans ? do a system scan with ad aware
Reply:I am trying to find a way to get them blocked, especially these idiot Tea ones.
Reply:Never had any adverts anywhere on Yahoo Answers
Reply:I never saw any
Reply:none hear
Reply:There's none on mine. In fact I've never seen an ad on here.

Exams are creeping up..?

do you have any good tips to get our head around revisions?

Exams are creeping up..?
I'm sooo bad at revising, so what I did was take pieces of paper, write questions about the subject on them (eg. name the 9 ethical principles in psychological experiments). I then stuck another piece of paper with the answer on it underneath, and stuck it on the wall so I could see the question, answer it in my head and then look at the answer underneath to see if I got it right. I stuck them all over my bedroom walls, in the bathroom, etc.

It sounds really stupid but it totally helped me

I also did flash-card type things for closer to the exam so I could take them to work with me and stuff
Reply:ice cream
Reply:Make sure you take breaks in between revising and don't over do it you need to have some me time and relax aswell as revising. I didn't revise to much for my exams . Stupid i know. However i did well even though i didn't take them as seriously as i should of done . I'm just thankful i did well i guess it was pure luck i guess lol .Good luck in your exams and don't panic i'm sure you will be fine :)
Reply:regular breaks
Reply:lol well........

im "supposed" to be revising now

but shhh lmao


i revise by answering practice questions or by reading then 10 min break then read take notes another break and just like do ti bit by bit

but i never seem to remember it -_-'

good luck with your exams, i have my first one the day after i come back from easter hols ==' x3

Reply:sit in a very quiet room with no distractions and give yourself goals. e.g. 1 hour to read and write about a certain topic then at the end you can party like a rock star for 10 minutes :-)


Is my creeping thyme dead?

It turned brown over winter and isn't showing any signs of coming back. What did I do wrong?

Is my creeping thyme dead?
If it's outdoors, it will turn brown in winter. Keep checking. Mine showed two tiny sprouts just today.
Reply:did you over water it.because when a plant turns brown that is a sighn of over watering.

I'm creeping up on Level 6....should i start planning my Party now....???

Who should i invite?

I'm creeping up on Level 6....should i start planning my Party now....???
Jus me... No one else can come.. Haha... :)
Reply:Haha.. You know i dont.. haha.. We can have our own little party.. you know it would be way more fun jus the two of us :) Report It

Reply:i'm right behind ya

hell i'll just invite myself =D
Reply:yes you should and invite us all
Reply:sure plan early

and invite me
Reply:Dang! Can't you just wait for me to get another 2000 points and we can plan to have one, and celebrate my Dirty 30 while we're at it?
Reply:chances are that you'll get deleted before then

He's creeping me out and driving me insane. What should I do?

So I met this guy this summer, he hollered at me from his truck - I just kept on going my way. A few days later, I got a friend request from him on facebook - he found me through his friend who knows me. I was like meh, I accepted. We started talking, and I started to like him; he was so sweet and funny. After talking online for a few weeks, he asked if I could meet up with him. I figured, hey why not? So we met up, and we definately clicked. We met up a few times after that, and I really did like him. But the 3rd time, he tried kissing me, and I felt that was way too fast.. I don't know, it just turned me off, completely brought whatever feelings I had for him crashing down. I tried to stay distant after that, but we still talked and I found myself missing him. It's a religious month right now though, so I told him I can't see him until it's done.. he said okay, but wouldn't stop nagging about it. Please keep reading;

He's creeping me out and driving me insane. What should I do?
He's insane.

Stay Away!!!

FAR far Away!!
Reply:Change your phone number, e-mail address, and let your mututal friend know that you do not want to hear from this guy again. If none of that works, take out a restraining order against him and enforce it.
Reply:Wow this guy is a creep.

He totally doesnt respect you or your lifestyle.

You need to tell him you need space.

Any guy that really does like you is going to respect you and your guy friends and understand that you have your own life to live and that you can easily live it with out him.

Goodluck! =]

Tarantula is creeping me out?

My daughter just acquired a pet (?) Tarantula. She already owns an African Emperor Scorpion and a Mountain Dragon Lizard, and has previously had Giant Millipedes ... OK, I don't care much for creepy-crawlies. But she loves them, so I try not to get too freaked out.

But this spider ... it's a Rosehair Tarantula ... I'm having a hard time sleeping, knowing this critter is in my house. It's actually quite beautiful, looks kinda soft and fuzzy and pinkish, and doesn't seem to do much. I'm trying to be open-minded, but ...

Any spider-lovers out there? Maybe I just need some information and reassurance. I don't want to insist that she get rid of it, and I'd feel better if I knew the thing wasn't terribly dangerous. If anyone can help me, I'd sure appreciate it!

Thanks to anyone who answers!

Tarantula is creeping me out?
I have a Chilean rosehair tarantula. I have had her for several years, and she is a very good pet.

If you are worried about her escaping, just make sure to have a heavy lid on top of the terrarium. I used a piece of wood that was about 3/4 inches thick that has the holes already drilled in it and then put a handle on the top so it is easy to remove but impossible for her to budge.

I handle her alot, and she has never bit. Even if she ever did bite, which she won't unless she has you ignore all of her signs that she is not in the mood to be touched. She will expose her fangs and lift up her front long before she ever bites. A tarantula bite is no worse than a bee sting, and rosehairs are about the most docile tarantula you can find. The only thing to watch out for is when they kick hairs. She will lift her back legs up and kick off hairs from her back when she doesn't want to be touched. The hairs aren't dangerous, but they get into the skin and will be irritating for a day or two.

Other than that, they aren't very hard to take care of. Just keep the humidity up, putting water in the corners help with that. Make sure she has a covering, because they sometimes like to burrow. Lots of water, plenty of crickets, and make sure not to bug her when she is molting, or she can die. They actually can appear to be dead when they first molt.

If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message.
Reply:The tarantula is not dangerous to you. And look on the bright side - spiders eat all the other creepy-crawly bugs.
Reply:This is one of the most docile tarantula you can get. They normally are very good around people and of course, non-poisonous. I even spent a little time refreshing my memory on them by the source I added below.

Just don't step on the poor guy, he moves slow! He can be a good pet believe it or not
Reply:I used to be so afraid of spiders that I would not sleep in a room where there was a spider (even if someone killed it and removed it). I still get the willies around common house spiders, but I have to tell year my son's Cub Scout pack had this animal group come in, and they had a Rosehair Tarantula. I decided to face my fear once and for all, and I was the FIRST volunteer to hold it.. OMG it was a blast!! Okay, it's got eight legs just like the little guys; but it feels different, IDK exactly how to put it; being larger there's more of a presence when it's on your hand, so I don't get the shivers like I would from a tiny house spider being on me.

I held that thing for a good HOUR with no shivers, no freaking out, and I actually sat there and PLAYED with it. I just let it walk from one hand to the other, even put it on my shoulder at one point. My family couldn't believe it was actually ME doing that, that's how bad I used to be. IDK about danger; all animals can bite you, and I've been told that tarantulas are no different; but I believe the one your daughter selected is the least dangerous.
Reply:Well, I am 53, so the kids have brought home every thing in the past.

I also work with entomologist to keep commercial greenhouses bad insect free, by using good insects to eat or parasites the bad guys.

That means I have to get used to handling bugs ALL DAY LONG.

Really it is not bad, most insects only strike out when really tortured somehow.

If your tarantula is female, then she will be a tiny bit more testy than a male.

But in the long run, the bite, if it happens is no worse than a bee sting.

Really a bee sting!

Don't think you need to be its' best friend, let your daughter do that.

But they are generally gentle, especially when food id handed to them and they don't ever have to hunt for it.

In my house we have had rats, snakes , tarantulas, scorpions, Giant cock roaches, GOATS...those are the worst!

dogs horses, and second worse..large tropical birds.

you could loose fingers with those guys!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a spider respecter, I appreciate the role of a spider.

I can keep one clean and well fed...I do not love spiders-I am not a spider-lover SORRY
Reply:I used to be so afraid of spiders that i would freeze when i saw even the smallest ones. just the thought of one crawling on me gave me the chills. than i met someone who had a huge spider like your daughters and he had it crawl on me. The only thing i did not like was it being on me, but you know i learned that as long as they are not poisonous, than it won't kill me. So as long as a spider is not going to jump on me, i wont kill it. they do good as well. they eat other bugs. you are a cool mom. most moms would not let pets like that be around the house
Reply:wow, how old is your daughter, and what amazing pets to own altho, I am not a spider lover, if fact i can't stand them, but kudo's to her, as long as she is responsible and can maintain the safe keeping of them good for her, she just maybe an erotic pet vet...someday, anyway wish i could help you but i think as long as she is responsible pet owner and they are locked up at night, i probley would sleep well.....good luck honey
Reply:Think of it this way: your daughter must be a very interesting person to want those kinds of pets.
Reply:Gawd...sounds like my 9 year old! She's just now moving into the lizard phase....will spiders be next???

I have no help for you. I spent an entire night awake because a hamster was loose and I'm afraid of rodents.....

I keep thinking she'll be like Ellie-May one day and have a house full of "critters" lol

I'll be watching the other answers, just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Good for you supporting her interests!
Reply:spiders are one of the amazing creepies out there. i refuse to kill them. Plus they kill the other things i don't like :) and are said to be lucky. i would try to learn more on them so ur not freaked out...the more one knows on a critter that scares the less they are scared.

I don't think they are harmful. but i think Tarantulas are not to touch where their spinner are in the back they have coarse hair or something... I may be wrong.

i would have had the problem with the millipede...their legs freak me out!

kick scooter

Who keeps creeping back into your memory?

Or have you found the way to stop that from happening? And if you have, will you share the secret?

Who keeps creeping back into your memory?
I think about my ex boyfriend everyday. I was with him for 5 years and it ended so suddenly. I don't have any closure from it, and I'll probably keep thinking about him until I do.
Reply:No old GFs haunt my memory, but I sure do think about my grandmother and brother a lot. I sure do miss them.
Reply:i can find that every once in a while i catch myself thinking about my real first love

i have yet to find something to stop these memories
Reply:A long lost love...I don' t think I'll ever get rid of him, and I don't really want to, we had some Good Times :)
Reply:my dogs
Reply:DARN IT!!! Just when I forgot about her. I may dislike you for a time.... LOL just kidding.

My ex girlfriend. She cheated and fled cross country. Every once in a great while when I hear the name of the state she moved to or the town I last knew she was in she creeps back to taunt me. MAKE IT STOP!!!!!! lol
Reply:My ex boyfriend...i havent found a way cuz i dont think i want to stop thinking about him just yet!
Reply:Nope. Had a best friend all through grade school. She moved away and we drifted apart (mainly her choice). I have recurring dreams with her in them and I have think it is because it is an

unresolved relationship.

I also continually have dreams where I am back in jr high or high school, I have no idea where my locker or classes are %26amp; am totally unprepared.
Reply:My very first crush from years ago. It doesn't happen often, but a sight or scent will bring back a wash of memories. It used to be painful, but now it's just wonderful recollections without much pain. I'm happy %26amp; I've come to hope that he's found love %26amp; happiness over the years too.
Reply:i Have a very dark and bad memory so its always there its like a scar you could never forget you yourself just have to be happy and don't put it much on you mind even know that person who i don't want to see i'm kinda thinking of what they did to me right now.
Reply:You never forget, you just move on. Then the memory fades slowly.
Reply:Two recently Ex male friends. I force my mind to think of the present not the past.
Reply:ex bf..mainly because we were out of touch for a long time and just reconnected *luckily it was a mutual no hard feelings break..we're actually closer friends now after the fact*
Reply:Its always my other people that keep talking to me I hate it when my head keeps talking to me STOP IT STOP IT
Reply:so many people i wish i could make it stop god make it stop!
Reply:Michael, I can't tell. But he keeps creeping into my memory everyday, everynight, every minute, every second. I truly loved him.
Reply:My ex-bf.I cant forget how he hurts me.
Reply:if you cant get someone or something out off your head they might be there for a reason .... that's what i think at least
Reply:A family of 7 kids that I lost track of back in 1980 after they moved

to New York and my wife burned their letter because she thought

it was from an old girlfriend. They are mostly in their 40's now

with the two youngest at 36 %26amp; 30. Their last name is Bergin

I'm creeping up on Level 6....should i start planning my Party now....???

Who should i invite?

I'm creeping up on Level 6....should i start planning my Party now....???
Jus me... No one else can come.. Haha... :)
Reply:Haha.. You know i dont.. haha.. We can have our own little party.. you know it would be way more fun jus the two of us :) Report It

Reply:i'm right behind ya

hell i'll just invite myself =D
Reply:yes you should and invite us all
Reply:sure plan early

and invite me
Reply:Dang! Can't you just wait for me to get another 2000 points and we can plan to have one, and celebrate my Dirty 30 while we're at it?
Reply:chances are that you'll get deleted before then

Am I creeping looking?

Light said that i look scary! Do I?

Am I creeping looking?
no why would you say that...why would light say that?! You are the cutest thing I have ever seen! :)
Reply:Nah, not at all. You look cutee. =D
Reply:No, I think you're kinda sexy actually....
Reply:No ... Not at all ... Not even a little. . . . o_O

Can I have my coOkie now? ^_^
Reply:Nah, you seem nice. Want an apple? : )
Reply:Well, that character from Deathnote sort of is, but not that creepy-looking.
Reply:No you are quite

the blue is just hot.

Reply:Sorry to say, you do look a bit scary.

best of luck to you!
Reply:a little more mascara and a winning smile should stop people runnning from you screaming
Reply:just give me your eyes dude!....i need them to remain as the famous kira!!!

~i will cleanse the world of evil to create a utopia and then reign over this new world as a god~

RoChEr= Light! and yes i did say you were scary haha -__-
Reply:put up a pic

.....but my elephant is....
Reply:no i think you look cute
Reply:not to manly ol' me
Reply:lol, I watched that movie. something like deathbook, deathnote?

anyway, you looked really scary in the movie..not in the pic though
Reply:You have killer eyes...
Reply:You do it for me, baby.
Reply:no. it's just that i wouldn't want to run into you in an ally way. i mean, you ARE a shinigami. But what does Light know? Besides basically everything under the light. ^.^

so no! you aren't creepy!!! here's an apple!!!
Reply:nahhhh, you`re hotttt (:

What is creeping in energy meter?

slow and continues rottation of energy meter


Janitors are creeping me out...?

Well they know my face and they call me baby girl. I'm in summer school and I was just walking to class and the guys who cut the grass let me pass through them. I was going back to my dorm room but I turn around and the guys are following me to my dorm and they're NOT on the grass!! On the sidewalk. So now, about 4 janitors are talking to me and trying to start a conversation with me while I'm walking to class.

Is this creepy or what?

Janitors are creeping me out...?
The name baby girl is inappropriate but the fact that they know your face is acceptable. It is easy to see how they might recognize you but I suggest that you ask them not to call you this name. I find the name "baby girl" to a person whom which one is barely familiar to be demeaning and it implies a inappropriate sexual connotation. Either way I would suggest that you inform their supervisor of their behavior. I have found that at my college the custodians are mainly women but the cafeteria workers have been known to oogle the students. It is likely that you are not the only woman who is bothered by them, ask around. This should not be happening and it needs to be taken care of. Make sure to inform the custodians politely that you would like to be left alone.
Reply:They find you to be cute but they are there to clean and cut grass, not Mac on the students. If it bothers you, tell someone.
Reply:yes, report them to facilities if they keep up

How do you get to know a guy without creeping them out?

I just met this guy. He is the sweetest person ever. I didn't get to know him as much as I wanted to. My friends tell me he is a really nice guy. But I don't want to creep him out with a whole bunch of questions. I want to get to know him before I get serious. I am not one of those girls that just tells a guy that she likes him. I am laid back when it comes to relationships. HELP ME! PLZZZZZZZZ!

How do you get to know a guy without creeping them out?
The way you have to see if he likes you first is to flirt with him a lil and if you get a feeling that he does then you start givin him less attention and he will eventually fallin you palm.See when a guy knows you like him he will kinda push you off jus to make you mad(itz not a bad thing) but when you flip the game on him, thats when hes all yours!?!?
Reply:Well if you like him and he likes you then you will most likely spend alot of time dont' have to get every question in on that one time....Just ask a few here and a few there.
Reply:Have a pleasant conversation where you might make one observation and ask one question. See where the convo leads. Don't interrogate the poor guy.
Reply:if he likes you, there is not too much you can do to creep him out...............if he really likes you nuthin will.
Reply:your question sounds very mature so just be yourself around him then if you get a chance to go out youll slowly find things out about him gradually...........enjoy

I'm creeping up on it healthy for me to be pregnant? There's a chance I might be.?

If you have healthy habits, everything should be fine. There is a somewhat increased risk of genetic disorders, such as Down's syndrome, but many women your age give birth to perfectly healthy babies. Your doctor may put you in a high risk category simply because of your age, but it is nothing to panic about.

Be sure to get plenty of calcuim and folic acid. Take the vitamins, but work on eating a nutrtious diet too.

I'm creeping up on it healthy for me to be pregnant? There's a chance I might be.?
You should be perfectly fine.

My mom had my little brother when she was 43. Thy considered her high risk because of her age, and did a bunch of tests. According to her OB-GYN he had the worst Cerebral Palsy and Downs Syndrome and he wouldn't live long out of the womb. They said she should have an abortion. She replied with a few choice words and had him at home. There wasn't any complications at all. Although he was born early ( 5 weeks) he still weighed 5 lbs, flipped at the last minute and came out feet first he is a perfectly healthy, happy, arguing 2 1/2 year old. He crawled at 7 months and walked at 10. He knows his ABC's, talks 15 words per sentence, can count to 30 and knows a little Spanish (thanks to Dad). He is also right on scale weight -wise and is taller than most kids at 3. He makes his own microwave popcorn (under supervision) and he tried his hand at doing the dishes once, and promptly fell in the sink. You see why he can't be let of eyesight? He is a hyper little ball of fire.

My point is, the doctors are going to play things up and if mom had listened to the doctor, we would have been left without our Sam.

They will do a lot of tests and consider you high risk, but do some research on the tests, I bet a lot of them have a high false rate. You also need to take into consideration what they are including in the test. You never know exactly what is going on with the baby until he is born.

Don't let them scare you into making decisions that you will regret later.
Reply:You should be fine the doctors will check for things that are of concern in pregnant women your age. so you should not have any worries.

Reply:Since you are almost 40 the obgyn will consider you a high risk pregnancy but that just means that there will be some additional tests that you have to go through and they may monitor you a little closer. If you are...congratulations...
Reply:many women have babies safely well into their 40's. You will be at a slightly higer risk of complications, but usually everthing will be fine. Congrats!
Reply:You shouldn't have any problems as long as you follow what your ob says.
Reply:Only your doctor can really advise you on that. Many women in their 40s have perfectly fine health. Others have a lot of problems.

In general, women in their 40s are more likely to have miscarriage in the first 12 weeks, as well as higher likelihood of Downs Syndrome. You are normally offered amnio to test for genetic defects. For her health, she is more likely to have blood pressure problems and Gestational Diabetes. Other than that, it just aches and pains more because you are older.
Reply:my mother had me at 38 and im fine, and my cousin is pregnant and shes 43. you are fine, but they will give you a amniocentis (sp) because of your age. and theyll watch you closely. a lot of woman are having kids older now, there was a 60 year old woman who gave birth and her kids were fine, if a 60 year old can do it you should sooooo do it. just be careful and 3 months before you try to concieve take prenatals and folic acid and get seen by a gynocologist to make sure you are ok.
Reply:my mum had my sister when she was 40 it never hurt her
Reply:there are lots of women 40+ that have healthy and safe prgnancies. you will most likely have more appointments and may be considered "high risk" because you are over 35, but my mother had my youngest sister at 42 and everything went great. good luck!

This fragrant, creeping, woody herb comes in many variations. It's particularly useful to beekeepers, since be

Wild Thyme

This fragrant, creeping, woody herb comes in many variations. It's particularly useful to beekeepers, since be
and your question is ? ? ?
Reply:is this a riddle?
Reply:If I had any clue what you were asking I would attempt to give you an answer.

But being I don't -- thank you for two points.

games hardware

Is "1984" creeping up on us............?

Who else has noticed that our "wonderful" government, as well as certain groups, out for only their own agendas, are attempting to control what we say, what what eat, what we watch in movies/TV, and even the way we think.

I really do not think most folks even realize this is going on........

Try as they may, the "Rights of Americans " must never be compromised.

I can't imagine what this place will be like in 10 yrs. Be afraid...... be very afraid!

Mr Happy


Is "1984" creeping up on us............?
This is not sudden. We've been sliding down that slippery slope for 25 years.
Reply:Creeping? More like dead run, knock us over and throw us in jail for carrying hair gel onto the airplane. Or watching us eat dinner from the sattalites.

You are v. paranoid.

Sure, societies thoughts aren't as unique from one another---but to the extent of 1984? Nah.
Reply:I argee with society is turn into an orwellian dystopia. In the U.K your face is caught on camera 300 times a day, thats freaky.
Reply:It has already crept up and crapped.
Reply:What's worse is that it's not just the gov't; lots of people and groups are employing these tactics and it sickens me.
Reply:If you don't see it, then you're as stupid as they want you to be!
Reply:yep. and there is nothing we can do about it.

Is it okay to keep on creeping once you've already Crept off once?

I met a guy I really just wanted to do it to him but now I sort of like him a little more than I expected to what should I do .I love my man and I was just on some ol G-macking stunt out drinking with the girls and I was mad at my man .but this other guy interest me also He aint hit this yet but he could if he tryed Is getting some new penis really worth the risk of getting caught up .Guys do it all the time I just want to know should I go for it it Be grown and get gone

Is it okay to keep on creeping once you've already Crept off once?
its just sex sometimes you have to get it from somewhere else . it lets you know that what you have at home is the reason she is there cause aint no place like home.

ps. dont forget your protection.

double up remember its for your pleasure. and dont think about him just get yours.

(call me)
Reply:If you love your man, NO, it is never ok to cheat.
Reply:It never alright to cheat, either sex...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The fratellis creeping up the backstairs ..what advert is it off?

please help its bugging me

The fratellis creeping up the backstairs ..what advert is it off?
Sky TV.

Brother, is creeping me out?

ok, my 22 yearold brother told my mom and i that he thought he was god 2 years ago we both laughed and thought he was kidding, now he is saying he is a prophet and that he can do things with his mind , and i recently found him accesing some illegal explecit images that i cannot discus on yahoo awnsers , what can i do to help my bro

Brother, is creeping me out?
take him to a dr. or a priest asap.
Reply:it sounds like your brother is having a psychotic break of some kind, it is possible that at 20 he was having he 1st break as that is sometimes the 1st time it happens. You need to take him in to the County or city Mental health and DO NOT GIVE UP keep at it tell them what he says. that he says he is god, a prophet. If he ever says he wants to harm him self or others call the police and ask for a welfare check because he is a danger to himself or a danger to others. You must be very persist on this as sometimes the county mental health staff are under funded sadly, I know this as i work in a county mental health facility. DO NOT GIVE UP BE THE SQUEAKY WHEEL for you for your mother for your brother's sake! please
Reply:just be honest with him,tell him hes not god,then tell him to GET A LIFE!


Does creeping thyme spread fast?

I am thinking of buying crimson carpet or the Walk On me Plant and I was wondering how fast it spreads and what soil conditions it prefers. Has anyone bought from Four Seasons Nursery or I was also wondering about the quality of their plants since that is where I was going to get the crimson carpet and maybe a few others.

Does creeping thyme spread fast?
it seems to spread in stages. what i mean is it spreads to a point and then seems to need a rest before continuing.

regarding the online place go to
Reply:Thyme has been one of the slowest growing plants in my herb garden. So I doubt it'll creep all that fast for you. But I guess it's all relative.

I've never purchased a plant online. And I don't think I'd recommend it.
Reply:It depends on where you are. When I lived in Nebraska and my creeping thyme was not a particularly fast spreader, but now I'm living in the Pacific Northwest ("Gardeners' Heaven") and my little starts I planted a year ago last fall are now about 2-3' across (each).
Reply:no idear.but the crimson carpet is a good choice planted some last year grew beautiful.

Parents creeping me out?

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