Friday, May 21, 2010

A math question thats really creeping me out!?

It seems a bit too easy from my current point of view so I'm assuming I've got it wrong. Anyways, here it goes:

The ideal suface area of a surface ball shipped from the factory is 50.25 square inches. The company inspector insists that the balls shipped vary no more than 0.3 inches of this total. To the nearest hundredth, what is the minimum value for the surface area of rubber balls shipped. What is the maximum value?

(This question is suppose to relate to algebra 2)

A math question thats really creeping me out!?
Is it vary .3 inches or square inches?

If it's .3 square inches, you're right it's easy and the smallest SA would be 50.52-.3=50.22 to the nearest hundredth.

If it inches, then you have to calculate the diameter for a surface area of 50.52, subtract .3 inches from that diameter, calculate the SA of the smaller sphere and subtract the two surface areas. Round to the nearest 1/100th of an inch for you final answer.

It's not too well-worded as is, but it's probably one of these two solutions.


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