Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My gym teacher is creeping me out?

In the shower after class he showers with all the guys (naked) and always plays the Macarena and dances around and tries to get us to dance with him what should I do?

My gym teacher is creeping me out?
This is inappropriate behavior to say the least. You need to report him to the principal or discuss it with your guidance counselor or other trusted school official. He will and should be fired for this!
Reply:why r people taking u seriously?
Reply:Have your pimp smack him up. Problem solved. : )
Reply:Report him to your school councilor. Ask for the meeting to be kept confidential.
Reply:Yeah, you need to report him.
Reply:Sounds untrue for some reason. If this is true, tell your parents.
Reply:I think your gym teacher is gay. Tell the principal about this. This teacher should be fired. I mean, what kind of teacher dances naked in front of his students?
Reply:ask your pimp to talk to the coach
Reply:report him, or learn to dance
Reply:Tell a respected adult. This is unusual even for a gym teacher.
Reply:Aren't you supposed to be naked when taking a shower.
Reply:Whatever you do, DON'T BEND OVER TO PICK UP THE SOAP
Reply:ask your friends if they think he is acting inappropriately. keep your distance from him. ask friends in other classes if he behaves the same with them. observe if this behavior continues or escalates. if all agree, tell parents.

what you say sounds disturbing, but be sure of your accusations before reporting him. it will ruin his life and career, whether he is guilty or not.


note to answerers

dont waste time answering this fool. i checked his other questions. he is a troll.
Reply:If you're serious about this question, which I rather doubt based on your other questions, tell you parents who will contact the school board hopefully to get answers.
Reply:people do things for odd reasons. some just do it for fun. others just to get attention. and still, some to conceal something, like a diversion. his behavior could be something... or could be nothing at all. the man is just fond of acting stupid.
Reply:Tell someone.
Reply:Well on one of my questions you told me to suck your balls so you probably like to be in a shower with a bunch of naked guys.

Go to counseling your so angry, maybe you'll start to enjoy life.

Good luck with the counseling. :)
Reply:Report him to the principal..or police..but definitley your parents.

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