A girl my age kissed my neck. how do i forget?
This is really creeping me out!!!?
I wish I have..I'm waiting for it since a while..just need the one to pulls me in since I've never been with a woman before but dreaming of it!
Reply:Go grab a bottle of JD
Reply:i would love to see it happening
Reply:why do you want to forget it? anyway, just don't obsess over it like you seem to be doing. move on. I mean really, it was just a kiss on your neck.
Reply:uh, who cares.
Reply:Fall off a horse and knock your head REALLY hard. That is how you forget.
You're over reacting.
Reply:you dont need to forget . just move on .
Reply:take it as a compliment that someone finds you attractive. you cant force yourself to forget, but if you go to a physciatrist, they can help you get over it.
your overreacting.
Reply:well if you like her go for it if not then hey just take it as it cums if she knows ur gay then shes been realy friendly shes ur grace!! (like will %26amp; grace lol or your karen) xx
Reply:How about just get over it.
And to be quite honest, you wouldn't be complaining if you didn't care...
Reply:Tell her to not do it again if it bothers you...ask her why she did it in the first place!
Reply:just think of something that makes u forget everything( like your favorite thing or somthing weird) or just move on and pretend that it never happened.
Reply:Do you want to forget?
Reply:hmmmm, Ive heard that several thousand volts of electricity to your head is the only way to actually erase memory, but I'm not recommending it.
Reply:Hmm if it was just a peck i really think you're overracting. I have been kissed on the neck by both guys and girls before as dares or flirts, i never thought much of it.
Reply:Well, if you want to forget, then never bring it up again, never talk to that girl again, and ignore any little thing that might remind you of it. Distract yourself with a game or soemthing. The memories will go away eventually...
Reply:Ummmm, how about you just stop thinking about it, that usually works. Why are you so creeped out? It is NOT a BIG DEAL AT ALL.
Reply:I, at least know you are serious. Just stay away from her, and if she even gets too close to you again, tell her you did not like it, and if it happens again you will turn her in for sexual harassment, because that is what it is. That's just plain too bold. I think she was probably just testing the waters because she is having feelings for you and that is the only way she knew to ask. If ya get my point. But don't go off on her in front of everyone, that will cause, possibly, a retaliation of some sort from her or her friends, then you will really have a problem. Just try to let it go for now, don't worry about it or it will eat ya up inside. Consider it a growing up experience, and as you get older, you'll think about it and laugh.
Because who knows, you may have liked it and that is why you can't forget about it? I kissed a woman one time, found out she was straight when I did, then I saw her somewhere, scared me to death, and she told me she liked it and we ended up living together, and have since broke up, but are still good friends. Everything happens for a reason, and every person that you meet either teaches you something or vice-versa, and sometimes the encounter is a short lived one.
Hope you get my point.
Reply:Report her to the police,if you did not consent to it,it constitutes a serious assult.
To those guys larfin about it,would you be telling her to get over it or she wanted it if she was raped or seriously sexually assulted.Everyone has the right not to be groped or touched if they dont want it.Why would you find that behaiviour funny?
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