Sunday, May 16, 2010

My cat is creeping me out! What do you think about this?

For the past week, I will wake up several times a night and every time I open my eyes, my cat is sitting beside me staring at my face. When I look at him he growls at me. Sometimes I pretend I'm asleep but I peek at him out of the slit of my eye and he just stares but as soon as I open my eyes he growls again. He's normally a nice cat and never growls at me. What do you think? It's only when I'm sleeping.

My cat is creeping me out! What do you think about this?
I've been a cat "owner" (HA HA) for 15 years, and we grew up with cats.

My take is that trying to explain some cat behavoir is futile! I'm still trying to figure out my current feline friend of 8 years. My thought is that cats are nocturnal by nature. You have to try and train them to sleep at night. If you're lucky, they will at least learn to leave you alone when you sleep for the most part. My cat does "go to sleep" in a chair she likes when I go to sleep, but, from evidence around the house, I can tell she leads another secret life around the house, awake, while I'm sleeping. She does things that I scold her for when were both awake and she tries to get away with them (ie. getting up on the counter and trying to get in the cupboards).

You may consider that your cat is trying to involve you in some sort of night-time play, when he watches you sleeping and growls when you wake and notice. They will get bored at night after a few hours sleep, and it's not uncommon for a cat to bother their "human" throughout the night in some way, letting them know they are unhappy with the sleeping all night arrangement.

Sometimes the only thing to be done is discipline. In this case, a loud clap, accomponied by NO!, and the cat's name. Sometimes, just a LOUD, No! will do. In more difficult cases, a water bottle may be needed to help curb any unwanted behavior.

Hope some or any of this helps.
Reply:as strange as it sounds, I think your cat is trying to dominate you
Reply:maybe he is guarding you,try speaking to him when he does it sey his name and say hello and then say it is only me and stroke him,if this doesnt work shut your door so he cant get in at night
Reply:It might be a good idea to give kitty a nice bed in another room. Do you suppose he objects to your snoring?
Reply:I think the cat is shocked by your eyes in the dark and is just a little suprised, nothing mean. But in order to show it who the leader is, get up and take the cat to another room. This will make you the leader and will show the cat this is a bad thing. Also call the behaviorist at Petsmart, they are really good.
Reply:He thinks you are playing a great new game, the sleepy peekaboo game!

If you're not enjoying the game, next time you wake up and he is staring at you (waiting for you to wake up and play!), just push him off the bed. In a couple of nights he will find a new game to play.

That is when you need to watch out for your feet! :-)

Cats are often very wakeful at night because it is their natural hunting time, and two years is only young.

Another thing you could do is play with him actively about an hour before you go to bed, then stop and let him get very calm before you get into bed. Let him know play time is over.

Good luck! :-)
Reply:that is freaking weird!
Reply:well, you aren't too normal yourself.....
Reply:i find me cat doing the same thing sitting on the corner of the bed by me head staring at me while sleeping,when he's had enough he pops me nose with his paw,,
Reply:That is weird. The snoring idea is interesting. Can you video-tape yourself through the night and see if that theory holds?

Think you cat wants a midnight snack?

Is your cat old, experiencing dementia?
Reply:maybe he's experiencing paranormal presence in ur room? like they say, animals can see things we cant see at night..
Reply:dude thats scary.LoL

games hardware

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