Sunday, May 16, 2010

I have a trumpet creeping vine which did not bloom for the last two years Is this the norm for these vines.?

It bloomed for the first year and then nothing.

I have a trumpet creeping vine which did not bloom for the last two years Is this the norm for these vines.?
This is not too unusual but it might need a little help. This fall but about an inch layer of compost around the roots and out about a foot or so. Very early next spring the first couple of time you water use compost tea. (take a bucket full of compost and fill it with water, let it set for a day then drain off the "tea" for your vine) This will get it off to a great start for next year's blooms.
Reply:The soil may be deficient in phosphorus. You can get superphosphate at just about and lawn and garden store. Use as directed. They also need the sun. If it's getting too much shade you may have to move it.

Depending where you live it could be too much rain also. In some areas the past 2 yrs there has been so much rain that it's stressed the plants and plants under stress are less likely to bloom.
Reply:Lots of times its just the dirt has nothing left in it for nutrition give it a good boost of miracle grow or go buy a specific food for vines. That should fix the problem for next blooming time.

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