Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Depression creeping back in?

I suffered from severe depression for a year, but in the past 6 months, since a change in medication, I've been feeling a lot better. I just started a new job and it's very stressful at the minute and I can feel my "warning symptoms" of depression creeping back in. I'm irritable and tearful, and I want to just curl up in bed all the time. I know these are signs that my depression isn't well controlled right now, but I don't know what to do about it.

How can I fight this so that I don't end up really low again? I don't think I could go through it all again, but I'm really worried that if I don't do something NOW, I'll spiral back down into that dark pit again. What should I do to stop that happening?

Depression creeping back in?
Talk to your doctor, or mental health nurse, whoever you normally see.

Dont be afraid to admit how you are feeling. They are there to help you. You have admitted to yourself and everyone else that you are beginning to feel low again, you know you need to get the help to stop falling, Please go and seek it

You are stronger now, you CAN get back up to where you were,

You have proved this to yourself and others.
Reply:go see about another change in meds.
Reply:Have you shared this with your doctor and is your doctor a Psychiatrist? Please go and see a psychiatrist and perhaps an increase in your current antidepressant will help or your doctor may order an additional antidepressant to work with the one you are already taking. Please go and get help as your deoression could continue to worsen if no intervention takes place.
Reply:It happened to me: don't wait and go counselling and don't stop taking your medication%26gt; You're already on your half way to deal with it when you know it's happening%26gt;

You're gonna make it!!!
Reply:Badger...you really need to take the time to get in to see your Psych. Take the time!

Your medication might need to be switched or adjusted. Think of it this way...if you were suffering from diabetes,you would take your meds right? So,mental illness is a disease too. You need to be taking the right medication and also the proper dosage.

'Depression hurts' is a website you can go to for some more information. It is US based but it should be available for you to view.

Reply:suggest stop working if possible until you have learnt with high tolerance to handlng stressl.

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